Kerala's YouTube revelation gets to croon in the movies thanks to viral video

Kerala's YouTube revelation gets to croon in the movies thanks to viral video

Here’s a story that will warm the cockles of your heart this Friday afternoon. A rather unknown Kerala housewife managed to bag a coveted song in a movie that had been set aside for the much more famous Shreya Ghoshal. The woman, Chandraleha, was not picked up by a scout but was propelled to fame thanks to a video of hers on YouTube. The story goes that Chandralekha was a poor housewife who gave up on her dream of becoming a singer thanks to her socio-economic conditions. That is, only until her husband’s nephew recorded a video of her singing in her kitchen on his mobile phone and uploaded it on YouTube, promising her that her voice will be heard by the whole world.The video was uploaded back in September 2012 and for a year, languished with barely any views at all. Then, like most viral video stories go, this one got suddenly noticed and posted all over Facebook a few months ago. This was enough for Chandralekha’s talent to be spotted by a production house in Kerala. She was then asked to step in and replace industry veteran Ghoshal in a track for an upcoming movie named Love Story. Her voice is also going to be accompanied by Hariharan, a fine classical singer, to add to it. We may see the craziest videos of animals jumping around and making silly noises to get us through our lunch breaks in office, but once in a while there comes a story, aided by social networking websites, that makes you feel really good. This feel-good factor goes beyond just making you smile and hit the share button – it makes you care and it changes somebody’s life. Chandralekha isn’t the first person to have her talents noticed on YouTube – remember Justin Bieber? – neither will she be the last to be noticed. Her story is, however, the reason why sites like Facebook and Twitter are having our faith restored back into humanity.



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