YouTube takes Google+ integration deeper with comments on videos

YouTube takes Google+ integration deeper with comments on videos

Anyone who’s ever tried to watch a video on YouTube knows how annoying the comments section can get. The only posts that you come across when you’re watching funny videos, music videos or any video at all is people calling each other a f*g. YouTube is now trying to make the comments section on the video-sharing service a lot more about relevant comments and less about calling each other names. Unfortunately, it also involves a deeper Google+ integration. In a blog post announcing the massive change that is coming to YouTube, Nundu Janakiram, Product Manager, and Yonatan Zunger, Principal Engineer at the company said that the comments section will soon become “conversations that matter to you”. So, starting this week, YouTube will show you comments powered by Google+ on channel discussion tabs.

Google+ to clean up and rescue YouTube comments

Google+ to clean up and rescue YouTube comments

The update will roll out to comments on videos later this year and over the next few months you will start to see comments from “people you care about”. We’ve, of course, seen this comment system style with Facebook before. On Facebook posts by pages, you will see comments with the highest number of likes or replies or ones that have been replied to by the page admins. Occasionally, you will also spot posts made by your friends or people you follow. YouTube is now walking down the same road by surfacing comments by people that matter – comments by artistes of the video you’ve been watching, comments from your friends and the likes. The video service will also be rolling out tools to help video creators moderate conversations better.You will also be able to start conversations so that they’re visible to everyone not just on YouTube but also Google+. You can choose to make them appear to people in certain circles as well. While the idea is a great one by YouTube, it is sure to irk a lot of users who’ve been putting off linking their Google+ account to the video service since it replaces usernames with real ones. Looks like YouTube is going down the Google Play route now.

ReadMore:Android Games

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