Can Google Be A Threat In Near Future?

Can Google be a Threat or not? Google has expanded widely during the few years with its purchase of major web services which includes Blogger Of course. There is no doubt that the billion dollar Company ran by Sergey Brin and Larry Page has occupied a great portion of the internet and it is still expanding. They have now around 520 Domains or may be more.
But the only thing on Google’ side that is creating a feeling of insecurity for many people is its lack of performance in the area of Help and Support Service. A company that was known for their prompt replies to the queries of their customers is now losing trust among its users.

The reason why I raised this point today is because I usually receive emails with complains that Blogger is not responding manually to some technical queries related to their Blogger accounts and therefore they ask me if I can help. By manually I mean the only reply you receive from Google support staff is an automated no-reply email that is really irritating, no Google employee actually replies by looking into the problem himself. They simply attach links to old queries that has to do nothing with the problem faced by the user. Further the attached solutions often take you to Blogger Help Forum or Google Groups which often contain unsolved problems!

I am writing some of the points that are indeed of great concern on Google’s side.
  1. Users are crying because they can not access their blog due to errors like bX-8wvcj8 and similar ones. Imagine this happening to your main blog while editing your template and no one out there to help!
  2. Just visit this blog The Blogger team is only claiming that they are looking into the issue and will resolve soon but when?
  3. Do you thing Blogger Help Forum has solved any of your major problem regarding the errors you face each day while accessing your blog?
  4. Google Pages will soon be closed but why? Why did they wasted people’s time into a purposeless service? I still can’t get a convincing reply.
  5. Google Scans our emails to display sponsored links! Where goes the privacy?
  6. AdSense Account is banned with no proper reason or clarification at amounts as high as $90-$256. Why don’t they ban it at $1?
  7. No easy way to register a complain of Copy Right Infringement. The only way is to post mail Google. But then you will have to wait for months for a reply!
  8. Sometimes Your competitors click your adSense ads and you get banned with an annoying message like this one,
It has come to our attention that invalid clicks have been generated on
the Google ads on your site(s). We have therefore disabled your Google
AdSense account. Please understand that this step was taken in an
effort to protect the interest of the AdWords advertisers.
A publisher’s site may not have invalid clicks on any ad(s), including
but not limited to clicks generated by:
- a publisher on his own web pages
- a publisher encouraging others to click on his ads
- automated clicking programs or any other deceptive software
- a publisher altering any portion of the ad code or changing the
layout, behavior, targeting, or delivery of ads for any reason
Practices such as these are in violation of the Google AdSense Terms
and Conditions and program polices, which can be viewed at:
Publishers disabled for invalid click activity are not allowed further
participation in AdSense and do not receive any further payment. The
earnings on your account will be properly returned to the affected
The Google AdSense Team

Or something like this,
    While going through our records recently, we found that your AdSense
    account has posed a significant risk to our AdWords advertisers. Since
    keeping your account in our publisher network may financially damage
    our advertisers in the future, we’ve decided to disable your account.
    Please understand that we consider this a necessary step to protect the
    interests of both our advertisers and our other AdSense publishers. We
    realize the inconvenience this may cause you, and we thank you in
    advance for your understanding and cooperation.

Even if  you send a polite response to Google with enough evidence that you are not responsible for violating the AdSense TOS, you can hope to get a reply in a month or more! Imagine a reply if any after 30-70 days!
   9.    Google AdSense Fraud Click Detection tools have raised many questions like how can these tools differentiate if you are clicking or your business competitor. Your business competitor can cause disabling of your Adsense account using computer operated programs or even using a group of different computers. Cases like this have been reported in many forums. An example funny site that knows how to do it is
10.     And The List goes on…..
I am really terrified at this moment, not that any harm has happen to me but I can feel a great threat to our blogs and income through adsense in near future. We as bloggers shed sweat and tear in writing quality, useful and interesting content and then do hard work day and night in bringing traffic to the blog through different means and at the end of the month expect a reward in terms of Ads revenue. But what if all our hard work is crushed down into pieces by an extremely annoying bX-8wvcj8  error which remain unsolved or an email from Adsense entitled as “Your Adsense Account Is Disabled” Can You expect to receive convincing answers to your questions starting with why?
For many people like you and I, Google is a blessing because it has provided us with everything that we need online but Google was a blessing even for those who curse it today. I don’t say I hate Google but I am afraid to say that I am some how disappointed with Google’s present attitude towards its users.
Let me know what are your experiences related to the Help and Support Services of Google and its present performance towards its service users.

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