Sony: Early PS4 deliveries won't get banned -

Sony has confirmed that it has no plans to ban or otherwise limit PlayStation 4 consoles received ahead of schedule by customers - the opposite approach to that taken by Microsoft for its Xbox One.

Both next-generation consoles are due to launch later this month, but some lucky customers have been on the receiving end of a shipping error that saw their devices arriving ahead of schedule. Sadly, Microsoft has taken a hard-line approach to those who plug in their Xbox One consoles ahead of launch: banning consoles temporarily until the official launch date.

Sony, meanwhile, has confirmed that anybody receiving their PS4 console ahead of launch will find no such ban in the pipeline. Instead, they will be able to start using their device straight away - although certain online services may not be fully operational until the official launch.

The move will be welcomed by gamers, but comes with confusion regarding the status of second-hand games on the console. Previously, Sony had heavily publicised the fact that the resale and lending of disc-based games would be possible without limitation on the PS4, but a change to its official terms and conditions ahead of the console's launch states that gamers "must not resell either Disc-Based Software or Software Downloads, unless expressly authorised by use and, if the publisher is another company, additionally by the publisher".

Sony's Shuhei Yoshida, president of worldwide studios, claims that this section is misleading. Posting to Twitter, he stated that "if you are concerned about our new European [Terms of Service], we confirm that you are able to sell or share your disc PS4 products, including in [the] EU". No explanation of the change to the terms of service was given, however.

The PS4 launches on the 29th of November, a week after Microsoft's rival Xbox One.

Andoid Games

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