Shots of Me is a Justin Bieber-backed selfie app for teens

Shots of Me is a Justin Bieber-backed selfie app for teens

This premise is so simple and youth-oriented, you wonder why this has not been thought of before. Here’s an iOS app that you can use only to click selfies and is approved of and invested in by Justin Bieber. Shots of Me is clearly going to be a hit with teenagers.TechCrunch reports about the Shots of Me app which has already been launched for iOS. As the name suggests, this application is only about selfies. It’s aimed essentially at high-schoolers who’ve made the act of clicking your own pictures with a phone something that even dictionaries are sitting up and taking note of. Essentially, Shots of Me aims to be an Instagram-like hub for all manner of selfies. You’ll probably wonder why there's a need for a entirely new space for self-clicked pictures, given that Instagram and even Facebook and Twitter are full of such images. John Shahidi, CEO of RockLive, the company behind this app, says that the idea was to separate humans from inanimate objects. “People enjoy looking at humans. Not just yourself. People like looking at other people. It doesn’t ever really get old. Looking at a coffee or salad…” he says.

What? No Bieber yet?

What? No Bieber yet?

So now, here’s Shots of Me, which you can use to click selfies, only and only with your phone’s front facing camera. You cannot use the primary camera or even upload pictures from your phone’s memory to the application. Most importantly, the app does away with the system of commenting, replacing it with a Direct Messaging variant. The core idea behind it is said to be to curb instances of cyber-bullying, something that teens these days have been prone to on most social networking websites.This feature also happens to be the selling point that lured in teen heartthrob Bieber to Shots of Me. It’s no secret that Bieber, a pop singer, has been the target of bullies and homophobic slurs. He was apparently pulled in by the Direct Messaging feature of the application. Say, you like a picture and want to appreciate the person, you need to send him a private message instead of a public comment.The app makers – with a little monetary help from Bieber – have already raised $1.6 million. Investors also include boxer Floyd Mayweather and early Apple employee Tom McInerney. You can start sharing your selfies with the world by downloading Shots of Me for iOS on the App store. Be warned, though, Justin Bieber still doesn’t seem to be on Shots of Me.

ReadMore:Android Games

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