Polaris Office 4.0.3302.03 Apk Free Download


The free Android app " Polaris Office 4.0 ' brings you an extensive Office application on your Android tablet , allowing you to create text , spreadsheets and presentations , and edit . Here is the text tool , especially for large screens , that is optimized for tablets.

Conclusion : Successful office app for android

" Polaris Office 4.0 " is an extensive office app that meets all requirements. The free office tool that supports common formats , shines with a chic and clear work surface and offers a wide selection of templates and masks. Is all the more annoying that the app is not running on all modern devices. Does your Android , the free app , however , you should not miss the tool . Alternatively, there 's at " Polaris Office 5 " already the newer version as a free download .
Advantages: MS Office compatible - The app knows the new and old formats
Does Office files of all generations:

Who is working with his androids MS Office documents , can look back with " Polaris Office 4.0 " wide: The app supports Office 97-2003 versions of documents , as well as 2007, 2010 and 2013. Specifically, you open PPT , DOC and XLS files and their new versions PPTX , DOCX and XLSX .
Document templates and masks :

Templates and masks make your job easier : In the main menu you will find under the item "New File" , a collection of helpful templates and masks - for example, letters, work reports or presentations.
Free cloud storage :

Who wants to synchronize its files with other devices , you can store it in the Web Storage . You will need to create an account . Once you have logged in, you can access your files on the cloud storage from any device .
Cons: The app 's comes to the size of - The Office tool does not run on small tablets
Does not support all modern appliances :

Owners of some devices come up empty - " Polaris Office 4.0" will not  runs on Galaxy Nexus, still on the Nexus 7 tablet. Difficult to understand , since similar devices like the Samsung Galaxy S 4 , the Galaxy Nexus will be the mega or 10 support .
Tested on: Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 with Android 4.0.4 3N .

Download Polaris Office 4.0.3302.03

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