No BBC iPlayer for Xbox One at launch - streaming services revealed -

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Microsoft has revealed the initial list of entertainment streaming services for the Xbox One, a day after Sony did the same for its next-generation PS4 console, but the BBC's iPlayer catch-up service is sadly absent.

As the number of available services will vary depending on your location, Microsoft sensibly listed each Xbox One launch territory separately. For the UK, gamers will be able to choose from 4OD and Demand 5 catch-up TV, Lovefilm, Blinkbox, Netflix, Now TV and on-demand video and Machinima and Twitch gaming content. Eurosport, Crackle, MUZU TV and TED round off the list.

Unfortunately you'll need an Xbox Live Gold subscription to get access to these services, and big names like BBC iPlayer, ITV player and Sky are absent. Seeing as iPlayer only came to the Xbox 360 once the BBC had agreed a deal with Microsoft to allow all its users to access the service, rather than just Gold subscribers, it's possible the same may apply to the Xbox One further down the line - it's just a shame the service won't be available at launch.

Sky currently has a large selection of catch-up, on-demand and live TV services on the Xbox 360, so it will come as a blow to Sky subscribers to learn these services won't be ready for the new console's launch.

Microsoft also said that this list was just the "first wave" of third-party apps, and would be coming to the Xbox One "over the coming months" - meaning we could be waiting a while until that list becomes definitive.

Andoid Games

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