Microsoft working on a fix for buggy Facebook for Windows Phone sync

Microsoft working on a fix for buggy Facebook for Windows Phone sync

Facing issues syncing the Facebook app on your Windows Phone? You’re not alone. Microsoft has confirmed that there is an issue with the built-in Facebook integration on Windows Phone and is working on a fix right now. The Verge has reported that issues with Facebook integration cropped up yesterday, with devices throwing up the 83CF1104 error when tried to sync the account using Windows Phones. Windows Phone lead, Joe Belifore tweeted that Microsoft was aware of the issues faced by Windows Phone users and was working on fixing it.

While some users are struggling with syncing Facebook with their Windows Phones, it has been reported that status updates and some news portions of the integration are still working fine. What seems to be the problem here is that Facebook Chat and contact images synced with Facebook are behaving in a haphazardly. The issue may be causing some troubles for those who rely heavily on their Facebook contacts on Windows Phone. However, a fix on its way should ease some worries. This seems to be a worrying trend for Windows Phone who saw an issue with the Twitter integration only weeks ago. The feature had been draining Windows Phone devices of data. The issue cropped up thanks to a change in the Twitter back-end that caused Windows Phones to re-download profile images from Twitter contacts often. If you had a very active Twitter profile, the data usage would shoot up considerably.

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