Journalists can Instagram images from the Winter Olympics, Committee clarifies

Journalists can Instagram images from the Winter Olympics, Committee clarifies

The International Olympic Committee has gone on record to announce that it is not going to ban journalists from uploading images on Instagram during the upcoming 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi. Reports had emerged earlier this week, hinting at the fact that a stringent ban will be in place regarding uploading images from the event on Instagram. The Committee’s Spokesman, Mark Adams confirmed to USA Today’s For The Win in an email that Instagram images were definitely allowed for journalists. “Please take as many photos as you like!” he wrote. “Sharing pix on social media positively encouraged. (sic)” Videos, however, are off the menu for journalists, thanks to restrictions based on the sale of the Game’s broadcast rights.

Add that filter at the Olympics! (Image credit: Reuters)

Add that filter at the Olympics! (Image credit: Reuters)

The rumours emerged thanks to remarks reported about using mobile devices to shoot videos, which is banned. Somehow, it translated into the rumoured ban on Instagram images. It seems to have had originated thanks to statements made by Russia’s state-run R-Sports news agency. It was reported that while common spectators will be allowed to take images and upload them on social networking websites using mobile phones, journalists would not.

It was even reported that journalists would lose their ability to report news from Sochi if they were found to be in violation of this ban. Only journalists with special badges and professional equipment would be allowed to report. This has, thankfully, now been clarified by the Committee. Instagram has turned out to be a very vital tool as far as the Games have been concerned. During last year’s Olympics event held in London, some really breathtaking and impressive images were put up on Instagram by not just journalists but even common users attending the Games. There was supposedly a ban in place for video back during the London Olympics too but it was never really enforced stringently.

ReadMore:Android Games

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