Google hits back at Microsoft with a funny retort over Scroogled 'wearables'

Google hits back at Microsoft with a funny retort over Scroogled 'wearables'

Even as Microsoft is actually selling merchandise with pot-shots at Google, the latter is unperturbed. In response to the fact that Microsoft had taken its smear campaign Scroogled offline with items like tshirts, caps and hoodies, Google merely said that the competition in the wearables scene has really been “heating up”. The response is an apt and funny one, if you think of the “wearables” dig and the fact that Google is currently riding a wave of popularity with its Glass. For those of you who’ve been living under a rock since the past few months, Google Glass is a computing device which falls under the wearables category – something of a newcomer in the tech space.


Google's epic comeback

While companies like Samsung have been looking at the space in the form of smartwatches, Google is looking at eyewear to heat up the race. Even while Google Glass still is work in progress, it’s supposed to be the next-big-thing in the space of wearables. So, with Microsoft turning up the heat with its Scroogled campaign, Google decided to play its ace card by taking a dig about wearables. "Microsoft's latest venture comes as no surprise; competition in the wearables space really is heating up,” Google toldf the LA Times. Microsoft has been at it with the Scroogled campaign for a while now, aiming to have users switch from Google products like Chrome and Gmail to Internet Explorer and It finally started selling items like mugs and apparel with cheeky digs at Google on its own online store. The coffee mug reads, “Keep calm while we steal your data”. The cap contains just the words “Scroogled” in the Google font, and a t-shirt with a word cloud with “over 20 synonyms for how Google is taking advantage of you.”Let’s see how Microsoft retorts to this tongue-in-cheek comment by Google.

ReadMore:Android Games

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