Touch ID home button fits perfectly in leaked iPad Mini 2 and iPad 5 front panels -

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The Touch ID fingerprint reader was one of the main talking points with the iPhone 5S. For good reason, too, as it's the only fingerprint reader we've used that works so effectively. It's no wonder, then, that speculation has turned to other upcoming Apple devices that may have the same sensor fitted.

A new YouTube video by Unbox Therapy seems to show that the sensor could well be used on both the upcoming iPad Mini 2 and iPad 5.

The video shows the leaked front panels of both upcoming tablets and demonstrates that the old button, as used on the iPhone 5, iPad 4 and iPad Mini are too big to fit into the new space. However, the Touch ID sensor from the iPhone 5S fits perfectly, suggesting that it's going to make an appearance on the new tablets.

It makes sense for Touch ID to move on to tablet, as it provides a simple way of accessing your iOS device securely and actually encourages people to be more secure. Having Touch ID in more devices will help accelerate its acceptance, which should help in the long run, as Apple is bound to have a plan for how the technology can be used in the future. Currently, Touch ID can only be used to unlock the iPhone and authorise App Store and iTunes purchases, but it's not hard to imagine it being made available to other apps, such as banking.

One potential spanner in the works is that Touch ID has been reported as being in short supply, and Apple has a job keeping up demand for its iPhone 5S. Fitting Touch ID to two new tablets is only going to put that pressure on. Of course, Apple is remaining quiet on this front. From our perspective, Apple has often overcome reported supply shortages before and we'd expect to see Touch ID in both tablets as the company pushes the technology. Hopefully, we haven't got long to find out what Apple will do, as both tablets are rumoured to be unveiled this month.

Andoid Games

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