Steam crosses 65 million active users

Steam crosses 65 million active users

Online gaming platform Steam has now pulled in more than 65 million active accounts. The hugely popular system, which has recorded a 30 percent increase over last year’s user numbers, now offers 3000 games and software titles to all its users. According to its daily game stats, the platform now sees more than six million concurrent players logged in at peak time. The stats also reveal that the most popular game is DOTA 2. The game now sees more than 5,00,000 daily peak concurrent players. The free-to-play game was officially launched this year, and is the sequel to the hugely popular Defense of the Ancients mod. While talking about this, Gabe Newell, co-founder and president of the Valve said, "The main goal of Steam has always been to increase the quality of the user's experience by reducing the distance between content creators and their audience.”

Steam Logo

Steam crosses the 65 million active user mark!

The current numbers put Steam far ahead in the race against most of the competition, including Microsoft’s Xbox Live. The latter currently has 48 million active users, according to the company. Sony’s PlayStation Network easily outpaces Steam with its 110 million users, but it is understandable, given that Sony has a hugely popular console to its name. The new numbers come ahead of Valve’s much talked about hardware beta, which intends to test out three main components, the SteamOS, Steam Controller and the new Steam Machines. The first is a Linux-based navigation system for gaming PCs in the living room. While the OS can be installed on any PC, it will also come packed in the physical Steam Machines that the company recently rolled out to 300 beta participants.

ReadMore:Android Games

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