Samsung Galaxy S5 rumoured to include eye-scanning technology -

Samsung could be looking to one-up rival Apple with the introduction of an eye-scanning sensor in its next-generation Galaxy S5 smartphone, which is expected arrive next year.

Smartphones and other devices with fingerprint scanners have existed before, but the Touch ID technology chosen by Apple for its latest iPhone 5S handset is a little different. Instead of swiping your finger over a strip-like sensor, which can lead to inaccurate readings, Touch ID works by simply pressing your finger against the home button to unlock the phone. It's a neat trick, although its contribution to security was brought into question when a group of German researchers were able to create a fake fingerprint and unlock the device using little more than a camera, printer and PVA glue.

HTC has already confirmed that its upcoming HTC One Max will include a fingerprint scanner, but Samsung has so far remained silent. This is, according to sources speaking to AndroidSaS, because the company plans to go one better and include an eye-scanning camera in its next flagship smartphone for vastly improved security.

Details of the technology are vague, but the company is likely looking at recognising the unique pattern of a user's cornea (a much easier task than retinal scanning) using a high-resolution front-facing camera. It's a logical progression from the notoriously insecure Face Unlock found on earlier handsets, which could be fooled by simply showing the camera a photograph of the handset's registered owner.

Samsung, for its part, isn't commenting on the rumours, but with the Galaxy S5 expected to be revealed in February 2014, fans won't have too long to wait to see if the claims prove true.

Andoid Games

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