Microsoft denies Xbox One will run all Windows 8 apps - but doesn't rule it out completely -

Microsoft has denied reports that all applications designed for Windows 8 and the recently-released Windows 8.1 will run on its upcoming Xbox One console, despite suggestions from PC maker Dell to the contrary.

Microsoft's Xbox One joins Sony's PlayStation 4 as being the most PC-like consoles either company has ever released. Both feature a semi-customised version of AMD's accelerated processing unit (APU) which provides eight CPU cores based on the same x86-64 instruction set architecture as modern desktop and laptop PCs, as well as on-board graphics acceleration hardware.

This potential for compatibility left many wondering whether Microsoft's Xbox One would include support for running applications designed for PCs running its Windows platform. That appeared to be confirmed earlier this week when Dell published an Xbox One promotional page, which said "With all your favourite Windows 8 apps able to be run on and synced to your Xbox One, now your phone, desktop, tablet and TV can all give you a unified web and entertainment experience".

Microsoft, however, has poured cold water on the company's suggestion. Responding to a request for clarification from Neowin, the company had the following to say: "The suggestion that all Windows 8 apps run on Xbox One is not accurate".

Although this is not a denial that the Xbox One will be able to run selected applications, most likely those designed for its HTML5-based Modern User Interface (UI) tile-centric experience, rather than the traditional Desktop mode, it certainly suggests there won't be blanket compatibility.

Andoid Games

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