Google Glass accessory store emerges for Glass Explorers

Google Glass accessory store emerges for Glass Explorers

As Google ramps up the production of the Glass, the company is also preparing to sell accessories for the wearable device. According to Marketing Land, some Glass Explorers have come across the Glass store which offers accessories for the wearable device. While Glass Explorers are accessing the store at, others are unable to see the store because Google isn’t recognizing their accounts as Glass owners.

The reports stated that the store has currently listed only four accessories. Moreover, they appear to be very expensive. The store lists accessories such as an extra mono earbud, a clear shield, an extra cable and a charger, and a pouch for the wearable.


Extra mono bud and clear shield listed on the Glass store

The extra mono earbud is listed at a hefty price of $50.00. The store says, “Engineered specifically for Glass, the Mono Earbud provides high-quality sound for phone and video calls.” The store is selling the clear shield for $75.00. Both the extra cable and charger and the pouch are listed at $50 each. However, the store states that only the clear shield is available for purchase while the other three are currently “out of stock”. Lately, Google had announced that existing Explorers of its Google Glass programme can get on board for a free swap-out programme when the hardware upgrades of the wearable device, aka Google Glass 2, are officially introduced.

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