Lumia 1820, the first Microsoft WP8 smartphone to drop Nokia branding?

Lumia 1820, the first Microsoft WP8 smartphone to drop Nokia branding?

After Microsoft’s announced the purchase of Nokia’s devices and services business, here’s the first leaked tidbit around Microsoft’s upcoming smartphone. The first smartphone to come from Nokia after being acquired by Microsoft is likely to be dubbed Lumia 1820, and it will not carry the Nokia branding. The image posted by Windows 8.1 leaker Qxerro shows the Lumia branding. He also shared another image showing the Windows logo placed next to Lumia. The logo is almost similar to the logo on Microsoft’s Surface tablets. Does this mean that Nokia branding is possibly dropped for all the future Lumia smartphones?

No more of Nokia...

No more Nokia?

This could also mean that Nokia will be limited to work with only software for the devices. So, probably the Lumia 1520 phablet which is likely to be launched at the Nokia World event on October 22 could be the last Nokia-branded Lumia. Microsoft is also working feverishly in order to catch with its competitors in the mobile space. Recent reports have disclosed that Microsoft is all geared to take on competitors Apple and Google with a new digital assistant. It is working on an assistant named Cortana, apparently inspired by the video-game series Halo. Named after the AI in the series, the Siri-like voice assistant will reportedly be a part of the next version of Windows Phone 8.1.

ReadMore:Android Games

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