Instagram gets the iOS 7 treatment with latest update

Instagram gets the iOS 7 treatment with latest update

Look who’s come in to the party a little late! Instagram may have missed the first bus of app updates for iOS 7, but the Facebook-owned application has finally released an update making it look a little more in line with the new UI design. The update is not a complete overhaul, mind you, but just a basic one. Instagram is officially calling this update as one for iOS 7, however the update does not include any change to the icon or most of its interface. The app has a slightly different look with a flattened top bar and larger images now, though.

Going flat

Going flat

Emphasis has been put on content with this update and images now stretch across the breadth of the iPhone’s screen. Instagram says that this increase in size also brings along an increased resolution, so photos and videos will look a lot clearer and more vibrant than before. The grid view now looks a lot more streamlined so your content appears larger. Instagram says that the redesigned was done with focus on clarity to keep the feel of the application clean and grounded on photos. Keeping in line with the iOS 7 design guidelines, profile pictures on the application are now circular. The one major thing that has gone unchanged with this update is the icon for Instagram. Your homescreen will still be home to a shiny, beveled Instagram logo, instead of a flat one and it looks like Instagram has no plans to change this as of now. This update has bumped Instagram for iOS to version 4.2. If you don’t have the app already, you can download Instagram for your iOS devices from the App Store.

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