Bug in Google Talk, Hangouts results in messages going to wrong recepients

Bug in Google Talk, Hangouts results in messages going to wrong recepients

Google seems to have run into a few problems with its instant messaging services. Posts by users on Google’s support forum as well as on Twitter now suggest that a bug in the system is apparently sending messages through Google Talk and delivering them to the wrong recipient. The recipients can be anyone from the user’s friends list. In some instances, the bug seems to be sending multiple messages from different conversations as well. According to a Google Group for chats and Hangouts support, at least 10 people have already reported the same issue happening. Many users have also turned to Twitter to talk about this. Here is what they have to say:

The issue seems to be limited to Google Talk users trying to message people who have upgraded to the company’s newer instant messaging platform, Hangouts. It should be noted that the video chat platform was recently updated to support text-based communication as well as video and was released as a stand-alone app in May. The issue now cropping up may likely be caused due to the ongoing technical transition from the older service to the new one. There is no confirmation for this yet, though. Google also updated Hangouts for Android, so it is possible that the change in software may be causing instant messages to malfunction.

A Google spokesperson, in a statement to TechCrunch, said that “We’re investigating reports of an issue with Google Talk. We’re sorry for the inconvenience. For further updates please refer to the Apps Status Dashboard.”

The best course of action for users now may now be to skip Google Talk or Hangouts for a while. The issue, though, is a major breach of privacy, as anyone in your contact list may get personal messages that you did not want to share with them. Keeping in mind the severity of the issue, it is likely that Google is racing to fix the issue. For now though, it may be safe to stick to other instant messaging platforms to safeguard private conversations.

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