Essential Methods To Market Your Blog

Without effective marketing strategies of a blog decent traffic can’t be achieved. Many popular websites pay lots of money for making their blog’s marketing strong. But these days you are completely enclosed by many blogs so for making your marketing strategies effective you have to pay attention to some important points so that you can stand in this crowd. In this post I am mentioning some important free as well as paid methods to get traffic to your blog. 

  • Social sharing: - As we know that for social media’s reputation is very important and also it is one of most cheapest and easiest method for social media marketing. If you are engaged in huge social media network and are having huge number of followers then it is beneficial to share content of your blog at very low rate. (Here cost does not refer to money). Here only hard work is to build a strong social network and do the good marketing of your blog. These days Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter and Google plus are most popular social marketing websites. They have millions of user active all day. So here a blog can be advertised free of cost. 
  • Social bookmarking: - We are having huge count of social bookmarking websites on internet. These websites have large number of active users. Rating of social bookmarking websites varies and there are some of them which can drive huge traffic to your blog. 
  • Groups/ Facebook page: - Using groups and Facebook page is a traditional method of blog promotion. If you are having fan page of your blog then blog post’s influence can be easily created. This fan page must have the name of your blog so that your social presence can be easily boosted up. On Facebook there are many active groups which can help in sharing of your blog’s link. With the help of this link sharing service you can easily drive huge traffic to your blog. Your social presence can remain maintained if you will remain active at your page.
  • Google Ad words: - You can achieve direct traffic with the help of Google Ad words but for doing this you have to spend few bucks on advertisement. Your bidding on PPC network will decide that your advertisement will appear in search result or not. So if your bid is lower than your add will appear in search results of the websites that are using Ad sense network.
  • Stumble upon Ads: - This is one of the most popular social bookmarking website which provides the site of your own interest. For accessing this facility you have to make a Stumble Upon account and then choose some category on it. It is based on browser’s technology with a button on its top corner. With the help of this button helps you to surf most wonderful website of your interest on Stumble Upon. Ad campaign facility is also available on this website at $0.05 per page. These ads are called Stumble upon ads. 
  • Sponsored Reviews: - Reviews from sponsors can be purchased for your blog and for making it better you have to spend some money. This will help in attracting huge amount of back links and traffic to your blog. Paid reviews can be enjoyed at as low $5 per review. 
  • Ad Banners: - Many famous websites provides offers the facility of direct adds banners. Instead of page views their rates are based on weekly and monthly basis. So banner advertisement of your site can be created and can be exposed by these websites.
  • Mailing list: - If you want to have huge count of readers for your blog then you must build a mailing list. If you are able to easily build and manage your blog’s mailing list then you can directly send fresh posts of your blog to your subscribers. With the help of mailing list you can easily market your brand. Useful tools for mailing list can be easily provided by many marketing services like Aweber and Mail Chimps. 
  • Write about shares and shits: - If you are unable to decide which topic to write then you can choose some random topic and can market then with links of some of your old blogs. A group of powerful people can be targeted for this purpose. You can also insert your experience and can share it with your subscribers. Sometimes you must write about some high ranking blogs or Epic topics. By doing this you will surely get some traffic. 

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