Bale’s heart of gold. He trademarks sign

 KING OF HEARTS ... Gareth Bale
GARETH BALE is set to make a fortune after trademarking his goal celebration and shirt number.
The ‘Eleven Of Hearts’ logo is the first step in marketing the Tottenham star as a global brand.
And it could see the flying Welshman net over £10million a year in endorsements alone.
Bale has been linked with an £85m move to Real Madrid this summer, which would catapult him into the same league as Bernabeu favourite Cristiano Ronaldo and England legend David Beckham.
Beckham earns more than £26m a year from endorsements, while Ronaldo picks up over £13m for his.
Bale gets around £2m from adidas and has also signed up as a pundit for BT next season, when they will start screening Premier League football.
But his heart ‘logo’, featuring his shirt number 11 at the centre, is set to raise his market appeal around the world.

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