CAPTCHA Work : Genuine Online DATA or CAPTCHA Entry Work For Home Users

CAPTCHA Entry Work


CAPTCHA means Completely Automated Public Turning test to tell Computers and Humans Apart. We can also say CAPTCHA is a word verification code test which can only read by human. Any other Computer Program or Bots can't read and Understand CAPTCHA Word. Commonly you can find it at any web site registration or forum registration.

Why need CAPTCHA

CAPTCHA used to prevent bots and other automated computer programs to accessing or submitting websites or Web servers, it can save websites from spammers. Many Websites and Web Servers benefiting from CAPTCHA. So, Let's see about CAPTCHA Entry Work.

CAPTCHA Entry Work.

It is very simple and easy typing job, There is no targets and no time punctuality to work. You can work from anywhere and any time. Work will be available for you in 24/7 basis.

CAPTCHA Entry Work Demo

How to get CAPTCHA Entry Work
We are providing CAPTCHA Entry work for Home users who want to earn extra income from home.

If you are interested to start your CAPTCHA Entry Work from your home you need to buy CAPTCHA Software and Authorised login IDs. We will send you Login IDs and Software by E-Mail and Guide you to start work.

You can Buy IDs by paying online or Diposite in relevent Banks, After transfer or Disposit money just send receipt to our E-Mail to get Software and Login IDs.

We have multiple CAPTCHA Entry servers, each server they have their own payment system.

You need to Type 1000 CAPTCHA Words to get $1, it is not constent it will change every hour.
see the below image.

Payment Process

Payment will be Weekly (Thursday to Thursday) and we will pay or transfer to your Bank Account every week.

Requirement for CAPTCHA Entry Work

1. Computer with basic configuration.
2. Internet connection (Min 256 Kbps)

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