Xperia Z Ultra SGP412 passes through FCC, pictures and manual shown off

The Sony Xperia Z Ultra SGP412 has passed through the United States FCC and with it revealed a number of pictures and a quick manual. The handset looks identical to the one we already know, this particular model is believed to by a Wi-Fi only model. AU by KDDI is also releasing a variant of the Xperia Z Ultra under the SOL24 model number. Sony had a confidentiality request that expired on the 20 January 2014, which means we could see this being announced very shortly. The manual you see below has references to Sony Mobile Japan support, which could see it launch in the region. AU by KDDI is revealing its Spring 2014 showcase tomorrow morning, so we expect more news then.

Xperia Z Ultra SGP412 Wi-Fi dimension is 9 cm in breadth.
Xperia Z Ultra SGP412 Wi-Fi dimension is 9 cm in breadth.

Xperia Z Ultra SGP412 Wi-Fi dimension is 18 cm in length.
Xperia Z Ultra SGP412 Wi-Fi dimension is 18 cm in length.

We are hoping that whenever Xperia Z Ultra SGP412 Wi-Fi version comes in market it should be launched cheap otherwise will simply but the GSM/LTE Xperia Z Ultra version but those specs don’t come cheap.
What do you think about Xperia Z Ultra SGP412 Wi-Fi, will you buy a Wi-Fi version only if it comes out soon may be at MWC 2014 even. Drop your comments below.

Xperia™ Z Ultra SGP412 driver

Phone driver for Xperia™ Z Ultra SGP412 (Microsoft Windows™ XP 32bit/64bit and later). Use drivers for debugging, or when erased from phone.
Download Xperia™ Z Ultra SGP412 driver (8.28 MB)

Sony Xperia™ Z Ultra Wi-Fi SGP412 white paper

 If you want to download the Xperia Z Ultra Wi-Fi SGP412 white paper. Wi-Fi version then check the below link.
Download Sony Xperia™ Z Ultra Wi-Fi SGP412 white paper (513 KB)

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