SEO and Dublin Core Metadata Element Set (DCMES)

SEO and Dublin Core Metadata Element Set (DCMES)

The Dublin Core, like the Microformats, is a set of metadata used to describe the content of a website to be easily deciphered by search engines and therefore be better ranked and become more optimized.
The original set of Dublin Core Metadata Set (DCMES) consists of 15 metadata terms:

  1. Title
  2. Creator
  3. Subject
  4. Description
  5. Publisher
  6. Contributor
  7. Date
  8. Type
  9. Format
  10. Identifier
  11. Source
  12. Language
  13. Relation
  14. Coverage
  15. Rights

Each Dublin Core element is optional and may be repeated. The terms can be used to describe a full range of web resources: video, images, web pages etc. and physical resources such as books and objects like artworks. The full set of Dublin Core metadata terms can be found on the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) website.

Example of code

<meta name="DC.Publisher" content="publisher-name" >

"Dublin" refers to Dublin, Ohio, USA where the work originated during the 1995 invitational OCLC/NCSA Metadata Workshop, hosted in by Online Computer Library Center (OCLC), a library consortium based there, and the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA). "Core" refers to the metadata terms as "broad and generic being usable for describing a wide range of resources". The semantics of Dublin Core were established and are maintained by an international, cross-disciplinary group of professionals from librarianship, computer science, text encoding, museums, and other related fields of scholarship and practice.

Source: Wikipedia 

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