nWeather review - Free weather app for Nokia Belle

Today I will show you a fresh new weather app. It's called nWeather and it's been on the Nokia Store for short while. It's not your usual weather app with lots of screens and lots of features, it doesn't have a widget(yet) but it gets the job done. The application is written in Qt by Badcoke.

The application has two main screens. The first one that you are presented with is the screen where you need to enter the name of your city. Once you press the "Let's go button" you are taken to the second screen that shows you the current weather conditions and a three day forecast. You can swipe across this screen to get either the forecast or the current weather conditions.

The app is not some award winning weather app, but it looks gorgeous, and that's the main reason I decided to present it to you guys. For me it's the perfect weather app that shows you all you need to know in the most pleasant and simple way possible.

The app weights 3.4MB and you can download it from here: nWeather on Nokia Store

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