Facebook to prioritise news articles with meme-punishing algorithm

Facebook to prioritise news articles with meme-punishing algorithm

Facebook spoke about surfacing better content on your News Feeds back in August and it looks like it will continue doing so in the future too. An updated algorithm that is soon to rollout will see more interesting stories crop up on your News Feed and meme-based posts being pushed down.In a follow-up blog post, adding to the one written back in August, Varun Kacholia, Engineering Manager and Minwen Ji, Software Engineer at Facebook wrote that an update to the News Feed ranking shows that people want to see more relevant news articles and what their friends have to say about it. They say that average referral traffic, as reported in October, from Facebook to media sites has tripled. Since the past year, the increase in referral traffic has been over 170 percent.

Also see more similar stories from publications

Also see more similar stories from publications

The team has been paying closer attention to what makes for high quality content on Facebook now as well as how often articles are clicked from News Feed on mobile. Facebook will try and push up the more interesting articles, some that you may be interested in. Memes on the other hand – as well as overshared links – will be demoted. If you’ve already noticed, Facebook now throws up similar articles from the same publication when you click on one from your News Feed. This is something the social networking website hopes to keep doing, in order to hold your attention. Besides this, says the duo, Facebook will be looking at bumping up articles with newer comments. This is because Facebook believes people want to see what their friends are saying about it. Stories will now keep resurfacing occasionally if your friends have commented on them. While this algorithm is slowly coming into place, meme-based pages and the likes of BuzzFeed and UpWorthy may want to search for a way to work around this, so that their articles show up on News Feeds.

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