Considering the huge lift iPhone sales got in India after Apple opened up EMI schemes and buyback offers through its distributing partners, it would be a wise idea to follow the same for the upcoming iPads as well. A report in The Economic Times says, the company will sell the iPad Air and the new iPad mini with Retina display in India through a similar sales drive. The new iPads are coming to India this week, with the larger 9.7-inch model starting at Rs 35,900 and the smaller 7.9-inch mini from Rs 28,900.
The iPad mini with Retina display will square off against the 2013 Nexus 7
A senior executive with an Apple trade partner told the paper that the Cupertino company’s sales activities will include buyback schemes on used tablets (not just iPads), cash-back offers and of course, EMI schemes. To make its older tablet offerings more attractive, Apple could slash prices. Apple could issue a "price cut on the older iPad mini model in the sub-Rs 20,000 segment to drive volume," retail chain PlanetM Chief Executive Sanjay Karwa told the paper. We had reported earlier about Apple's plans to establish a country-wide network of standalone stores in smaller cities. And another source told the paper Apple wants to set up exclusive iPad experience zones within its reseller network and will use the distributors’ reach to achieve the same. This strategy makes sense considering the spate of cheap Android tablets in the market, which are often marketed as iPad alternatives. In recent months, Apple has begun a massive push towards getting a foothold in the Indian smartphone and tablet market, dominated by Android devices. This is borne out by the face that the new iPhones and now, the iPads are coming to India within a month of their US launch. Earlier this year, Apple launched a massive advertising and promotion campaign for the older iPhone 4, which resulted in a huge sales surge.
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