ZENONIA® 5 1.1.4 Apk Free Download

In " Zenonia 5 " threatens the corrupt world of man once more go under and alone in your hands , it is heroic to defeat evil. Whether it is with this Action RPG only generic pabulum or the Android App on your smartphone can compete with the likes of Diabolic , read here .

Conclusion: Fast-paced RPG for strong smartphones

If you like the typical Asian manga look , Gamevil has once again created " Zenonia 5 " a great action-RPG for you. Especially on older devices it may have its weaknesses , but the hero trip is as nice as the big genre colleagues on PC and console. And even if paying duelists bring the multiplayer out of balance, you will find many hours of fun alone . If you have an older smartphone on the " Zenonia 5 " is not running properly , is also worth a look at the four predecessors. " Zenonia 4" is also free and on a similar technical level as " Zenonia 5 " . The first " Zenonia " and " Zenonia 2 ", however, cost little money, but also run on much older devices.
Advantages: Action - packed RPG game
Complex character system :

With Berserk , Craftsman, Wizard and Paladin represents the action RPG genre typical four hero classes to choose from , which can be altered as desired . Many perfectionists employ different skills for hours , while the basic system is easy to learn and promises quick initial success. So be it .
Entertaining Action :

" Zenonia 5 " is the right game for avid monster hunter . Enough enemies are always on the field and the efficient use of your skills also brings pace to the game . If your fire then explodes in a whirlwind of magical energy balls and the screen has a " Zenonia 5 " like the anime version of " Dungeon Siege " . You will notice this especially in the Abyss arenas outside of the actual story in which you are allowed to make dangerous monsters .
Good multiplayer options :

Apart from the extensive role-playing campaign also offers plenty of other ways to make your hero to the test. Especially appealing are the fast PvP combat ( player versus player ) where you meet other players from around the world , to give battle under conditions on the cap and win rewards .
Cons: Here is the Android RPG gambled his chances
No Indian language edition :

Although the game is basically easy to understand. But if your school English is very rusty , the many dialogues in English in the game are a hindrance. Because of " Zenonia 4" a Indian version exists , it is only a matter of time before " Zenonia 5 " is translated .
PvP success depends on money :

If you want, you can invest a lot of money in " Zenonia 5 " to make your characters more powerful. This in itself is not necessary, but speeds up the flow of the game . Unfortunately, these investments also affect the player duels and make it commercially successful . So it often happens that you are struck by an opponent in a few moments . The dirty statistics and discouraging - especially if you invest themselves with little or no money .
Not always stable running :

So chic , the game may be, it is power intensive . On older devices such as the Samsung Galaxy S , it runs , but stutters regularly and crashes every now and again . This is especially annoying if you have not saved important story progress and great treasures or PvP rewards .

Download ZENONIA® 5 1.1.4

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