YouTube 5.2.27 Apk Free Download

Miracles do happen! Google has been working in recent months rather poor on the YouTube app. Tonight have noticed the roll out of the new YouTube app from the guys Android police. What Google has built there, looks really round out finally!

In addition to the Google Maps style Now the new YouTube app now also has multitasking and can reduce the active video window with a wiping gesture. A wipe down and the video runs down the right whilst you surf on through the YouTube channel.

Looks chic, runs extremely smoothly and brings you to friends and colleagues with iOS or Windows Phone an envious WOW. Trust me! It is a pity that the app does not allow true multitasking. Thus, the video continues, the app must be running in the foreground.

Here are a few photos from the app. A few photos to show you all the new app icon, the sequence when videos are reduced and the Google Maps style.

Download YouTube 5.2.27

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