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tumblr swings proud to compete with social media giant Facebook , and operated primarily creative minds.

The mobile app " tumblr for Android " allows you to post all sorts of things you just comes to mind. The main thing is you have are a creative idea .

Shares photos, animated GIFs , videos, links , awards or blogs simply going wild on it , what you just fit in the stuff. Find interesting things that inspire you, follows them and learns about meeting new cool people with whom you can share those interests.

You build on your own blog and let other users post tumblr entries to your side .
tumblr for Android

Created a blog and collects fans or follow blogs that interest you. With themes and designed their own content like a complete custom portal and can achieve yourself. For all those Facebook is too sterile , tumblr is just weird and colorful enough .

But even serious blogs can be free pull on tumblr. Uses the app to always and everywhere to be able to post and comment or upload in Live time cool snapshots , which tells your friends and fans matter what are you doing right and where you are.
tumblr on the web

In total more than 130 million blogs are guaranteed to find something that interests you for it. Or maybe your blog is exactly what the world has been waiting for. Join for free and you on tumblr. and sets up your blog. The guarantees also takes no longer than 30 seconds.

Download tumblr

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