The Walking Dead 4.1 Apk Free Download

Anyone familiar with the series The Walking Dead is not it? Hands up ? Well, then, please do it carefully! Zombies go any more , but if a great story and great / shady characters play is taking such a series of a very different quality .

The matching game is quite a while for iOS available, an implementation has now announced not only for the Winter 2013 , but also for the entire Android ecosystem . The game runs in various quick-time sequences and lets you open places several possible solutions and decisions. The matching pepper shocking moment there are of course included.

Pleased with the iOS implementation pretty well and I am very pleased that there is now a version for the Ouya and co. will be . This also is not the DLC 400 Days , which is to bridge the gap between the first and second season . More episodes are also not excluded from the cost of implementation.

Maybe it's the declining software fragmentation and the efforts of Google (Google Play Games ) the reason for the rethinking of the game developers . We are looking forward already really on The Walking Dead for Android!

Download The Walking Dead 4.1

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