The Other Side of Gravity

The Other Side of Gravity

Alfonso Cuaron’s Gravity is probably the most talked about movie for the year 2013 and the biggest testimony for this is the 3 month long run of the movie at box offices all over the world. The space movie has garnered attention like no other film from all sectors of the film making community, be it cinematography, sound, story, acting, VFX – everything! But the genius of Alfonso Cuaron has not stopped there and they have come up with yet another brilliant idea to attract more viewers for the movie.

A still from the scene mentioned below

A still from the scene mentioned below

In a heart twrenching scene towards the end of the movie, Sandra Bullock’s character Dr. Ryan Stone, is in a Russian Soyuz attempting to contact the control room in Houston. While she tries her luck at that, she manages to get in contact with a male voice speaking in an unknown foreign language. One can also hear a dog bark and a baby crying in the background as Stone desperately tries to correspond with the person on the other end. As a course of the story-line, you never get to see the other side of this conversation and instead you hear only the voice amidst the radio signal impurities.

So the team of Gravity decided to make a short film to portray this ‘other’ side of the conversation called "Aningaaq" with an intention to include it on the Blu-ray/DVD set for the movie. But as ingineous and brilliant a idea, the short film itself is getting a lot of attention all over the internet. It is now likely to be submitted for an Academy Award for best live action short and we wont be surprised if it wins hands down.

Have a look at the short film titled 'Aningaaq' here.

ReadMore:Android Games

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