PlayStation app for iOS and Android available now in time for PS4 launch -

Sony has released an updated version of its PlayStation app for Android and iOS ahead of the US launch of the PS4 console on Friday, adding support for second-screen gaming on smartphones and tablets.

Sony's primary second-screen focus for the PS4 is on pairing it with the hand-held PlayStation Vita, but the company is keen for non-Vita owners to get in on the act too.

The free app will allow compatible smartphones and tablets to be used as a second-screen controller in selected games, providing a live map overview, for example, or inventory management, as well as acting as a virtual keyboard for text entry. Players can also manage their social interactions with PSN friends through the app, viewing live updates, sending and receiving notifications and alerts, comparing Trophies and even viewing live video streams by connecting to Ustream.

The app also adds the ability to browse for and purchase software from the PlayStation Store directly on the phone, with games and apps being pushed to the PS4 console for immediate download. This means a game can be purchase on the train to work one morning and be ready to play by the time you get home again.

The update comes ahead of Friday's US PS4 launch, but it will be a while before European gamers get to try out all the features. The PS4 itself isn't due to launch in the UK and Europe until the 29th of November.

The update can be installed from Google Play for Android devices and iTunes for iOS devices. Both apps are free.

Andoid Games

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