Nissan enters the wearable HUD category; shows off teaser video

Nissan enters the wearable HUD category; shows off teaser video

Automobile manufacturer Nissan is all set to join the wearable Heads Up Display (HUD) market with a new head-mounted gadget, titled the 3E. The gadget, shown off before the Tokyo Auto Show, looks a lot like the Google Glass, and could be heavily optimised for data feed from the company's car models like the GT-R and the BladeGlider.The only information that we can get about the heads-up display is thanks to a teaser trailer that the company put up on YouTube. While the exact purpose is still unknown, the 3E could be used for giving the user driving display information like current speeds and directions. In theory, at least, the device could be a cheaper way to integrate heads up displays that can give the driver more information than the traditional dashboard. Check out what the company has to say about the new 3E:

While the video does not reveal much in terms of features, the design similarity with Google’s wearable device could mean that the gadget might work in a similar way. That being said, it is also likely that a lot of raw driving data will also be channeled to show the statistics on average speed, fuel usage and lateral g-force, among other data. The company is definitely not a stranger to out-of-box ideas. Nissan, back in September, showed off a concept design for an automobile-centric smartwatch. The device, if and when it is ready for commercial release, will be specifically designed for the Nismo motorsport line-up—Nissan's all-electric race car.

Since the device is meant for racers, it will monitor and analyse a vehicle’s performance. It should even be able to monitor the heart rate of the driver and social media presence. The smartwatch will connect via Bluetooth to a proprietary smartphone app. The concept was last displayed at the Frankfurt Motor Show in September, although there is no word on when the final product will be hitting the market.

ReadMore:Android Games

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