Maps Apk Free Download

With "Google Maps" you get a great guide with guidance through the mobile phone network , including spoken route .

Gallery: Google Maps - Free navigation for Android

By GPS and cellular network you located "Google Maps" astonishingly accurate . If you are looking for restaurants, gas stations or ATMs, you not only get the relevant contact details and the location on the map , but can also be directly pilots there. With "Google Maps" any time you check your current position and how to find the best route to your destination . Who wants to use the free navigation frequently to an internet flat rate should increase as "Google Maps" the map data from the Internet pulls ( off-board navigation ) .

Bubble buttons for phone cards
"Google Maps" also binds to the tablet from HTC & Co. public transport as a beta version in selected cities in the route guidance with a . New for all Android devices : The training and transfer information provides the update as a language of instruction, or alternatively as a ringtone. In addition, the search engine giant has expanded the info line of the localities in the map useful . Next to the address bar "Google Maps" button for the phone call and direct the navigation icon for the direct route guidance to the selected location are integrated in - Google calls this new lab also "Bubble Buttons " .

Recently, "Google Maps" even offers indoor maps to public buildings such as airports or shopping malls. Previously, such plans are only available for some buildings mainly in the U.S. and in Japan, owners of larger stores but can already submit their own maps.

The update to version 7.4 brings a scale to determine distances on a map . In addition, some bugs were fixed.

Conclusion: A must-have download for all Android phones. With "Google Maps" to navigate safely to their destination and save maps to your device for the stay abroad .

Note: This apk requires Android OS 2.1 or up. About the download button you will be guided to the Google Play Store , which allows you to install the software.

Download Maps

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