One of the biggest game publishers on mobile devices, Glu Mobile, believes that Google Glass will change things dramatically for gaming. The company's CEO, Niccolo de Masi told VentureBeat that he believes wearables will be as important to mobile gaming as the introduction of the first iPhone back in 2007."Every five or 10 years, something more revolutionary than evolutionary comes along," said de Masi. "It's been six or seven years since the first iPhone. This could be one of those moments. The next seven years could well be a wearable wave. It could happen as fast or even faster than the smartphone, this PC in your pocket."

Spellista is Glu's attempt at a game for Glass
Like many tech enthusiasts, de Masi believes in a sci-fi future where technology like Glass can replace smartphones. This will be especially true once the technology becomes more affordable. This, in turn, will drive up adoption, "especially when you think about Moore's Law and the reduction of form factors."For those in the dark, Moore's Law is an observation that, over the history of computing hardware, the number of transistors on integrated circuits doubles approximately every two years, according to Wikipedia. "It’s a brand new paradigm for interactivity, so it’s a brand new paradigm for games," he said.Glu already has a game available for Glass, made using the recently-launched Glassware Development Kit. Dubbed Spellista, it involves players using voice commands and head movements to play. The developer is currently working on user-generated levels and allowing Glass-to-Glass sharing of these levels.
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