German politicians will have to give up iPhones

German politicians will have to give up iPhones

A lot of questions have been raised on the issue of Internet security ever since the NSA spy scandals broke out earlier this year. Owing to the revelations of widescale spying - even on world leaders - has resulted in tension between the USA and Germany in addition to other countries. NSA reportedly snooped on several high-ranking German politicians and now Germany is looking to make encryption mandatory for all government communication. This has led to politicians having to give up their iPhones, reports TheLocal. Apple’s phone reportedly doesn’t support encryption software developed by Germany’s federal office for information security (BSI), and all official business will now require encrypted communication. So politicians will have to replace their iPhones and iPads with other smartphones and tablets that support this new encryption technology.

apple iphone 5c

No iPhones allowed!

The interior ministry of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and their Social Democratic Party (SPD) counterparts have reportedly decided that the encryption be put in place as soon as possible. The move comes in the light of revelatiosn that the NSA had tapped German Chancellor Angela Merkel's mobile phone. Senior German officials had later met the Obama administration and US intelligence officials to discuss how to reshape intelligence cooperation.The expose was based on documents leaked by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden. US officials did not deny the report but said any such spying has now ceased. Germans have generally come out in support of American whistleblowers, with Snowden being just one example. Earlier in July, thousands of demonstrators were seen gathering across Germany to support Snowden and Bradley Manning.

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