Flat Panel's New Companion: Quadral Magique

Flat Panel's New Companion: Quadral Magique

The demand for television-centric speakers is increasing with every purchase of a flat panel that offer modest audio quality. It is no surprise then that each and every speaker manufacturer is burning midnight oil to cash in on this particular demand by their consumers. Moreover, with the television sets getting thinner it is like a race to size zero for speakers as well. And while even most of the speaker giants from all over the world are following this religious trail for the ‘slim’ holy-grail, Quadral Speakers from Germany think otherwise.

It's not that they don’t want to follow suit, but Quadral wants to do it in their own way. Instead of making a slim-profiled speaker that can hardly make up for the big-screen experience that we all crave for, Quadral has launched a powerful soundbar speaker called the Magique that'll ensure brilliant sound to accompany the superb images that you enjoy on your high-definition TV. The speaker launch was a low-key affair in New Delhi, attended by Volker Schwerdtfeger - Export Director, Quadral and Sascha Reckert - Technical Director, Quadral from Germany.

Volker Schwerdtfeger(left), Shane Choithramani of FXe (middle) and Sascha Reckert (right) with the newly launched Quadral Magique

Volker Schwerdtfeger(left), Shane Choithramani of FXe (middle) and Sascha Reckert (right) with the newly launched Quadral Magique

The MAGIQUE is a compact speaker and can be interfaced to any TV that you can lay your hands on in the market. Owing to its strong build, the speaker should be placed underneath a flat-screen TV. The Magique is capable of holding screens weighing 40 to 60 kg.

We asked Mr. Volker about their decision to stick to the conventional speaker design, in response to which he emphasised on the fact that at Quadral they believe in better sound than mere aesthetics. Quadral was not willing to compromise on the sound of the speaker just to make it look slimmer and sleek. Knowing how awful some slim speakers sound (barring a few execptions), we at AV MAX will buy this argument for sure.

Also the Magique can play music from smart phones, PCs and Tablets via the wireless Bluetooth network with perfect sound quality. MAGIQUE also has an optical and a digital input as well as an analogue input so that Blu-ray, CD and DVD players can be interfaced without any problems.

It sounds like Quadral's new speakers will turn on the Magique for their owners. So watch this space for more updates, including the pricing and the review.

ReadMore:Android Games

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