Fanboys fight: Google Nexus 5 vs Apple iPhone 5s

Fanboys fight: Google Nexus 5 vs Apple iPhone 5s

Google could not have timed its Nexus 5 announcement better, at least when it comes to India. With Apple’s flagship iPhone 5s going on sale in India from today, Google’s Nexus 5 has managed to steal a bit of limelight with the major announcement. So it’s officially Nexus 5 vs iPhone 5s season now. We want to know which corner you will fight on. Come and join the Nexus brigade or the iPhone army. Our own writers already have their favourites and they are also throwing away their objective hats temporarily for this festive season face-off. We will be keeping the live blog open through the Diwali weekend and till November 4th, so while you are lighting up firecrackers (eco-friendly ones, please!) outside, bring some fire to this fight too.

ReadMore:Android Games

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