Dr. Driving 1.19 Apps apk

Dr Driving might well be that game we have asking for since the very first car games: a sort of urban driving simulator. Yes, in this game we have not to drive flashy sport cars, and neither big trucks or unreal four-wheel drives through impossible hills.

Dr. Driving 1.19 Apps apk
You'll drive a familiar car and your goal will be to reach certain goals in a standard city in a rush hour. This means precise maneuvers, keep an average safe speed and do not any foolishness when turning or parking.

For the sake of playability, this game is closer to a precise arcade rather than an actual simulator. We would have loved to see pedestrians, honk when you can't drive through and an option to rent a bike when you're stuck in a mission.

In exchange, there are some options to adjust your gameplay, as driving on the left or show miles or kilometers in the dashboard. More cars and scenarios would have been appreciated (c'mon, this game would be perfect to drive a fire truck!)

You will find details of Dr. Driving 1.19 Apps apk if you visit the official site of Dr. Driving 1.19 Apps apk on Google Play >> https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ansangha.drdriving

Download Dr. Driving 1.19 apk

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