CEDIA Training Event Announced For India

CEDIA Training Event Announced For India

Our hi-fi industry needs more trained professionals” this a concern expressed by many of the home entertainment big-wigs. Many times installations done are mechanically executed and not really by people who are trained to think out of the box, but follow the instructions verbatim. So the announcement of CEDIA training is generating a positive buzz. CEDIA (the Custom Electronic Design and Installation Association) is an international trade organisation spanning three continents. Its members specialise in the planning, design, supply, installation, integration, concealment and control of automated electronic systems for the modern, intelligent home.CEDIA has announced its first ever dedicated training event for the Indian residential custom installation sector which will run over four days at the Hilton International Mumbai Hotel, Mumbai from 9-12th December.

“The residential CI (custom installation) market in India is growing and growing fast,” says Matt Nimmons, CEDIA’s Operations Director in Region 1 which represents India as well as the UK, Europe, Russia and the CIS, the Middle East and Pakistan. “We’re responding to this growth by hosting an inaugural training event in the country. We’re offering the opportunity to sit our EST2 Certification examination and also introducing our new Certification Light qualification which has been specially designed for members in emerging markets, alongside a total of eight high quality courses. With special discount packages available, we’re confident the event will prove popular with existing members and potential newcomers to CI”. AV MAX has tied up with CEDIA to provide our readers updates and info on the upcoming event. Watch this space.

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