Amazon sells more Amazon tablets than any other, no-one is surprised -

Amazon is enjoying "dominance" in the UK online tablet market, with the online retailer attracting around double the number of potential tablet buyers than its nearest rivals, according to a new report.

Research from Kantar Media shows that Amazon is able to drive potential UK tablet buyers to its own products such as the Kindle Fire HDX 7, with 81% of tablet product page visitors on Amazon checking out its own devices compared to just 30% assessing rival offerings from nearest rival Samsung.

The research shows that, online at least, the battle for tablet sales is becoming a contest between the Apple, commonly seen as the premium option, and the Kindle Fire, the leading mid-market alternative.

Online conversion rates among consumers who have visited a branded tablet product page were 6.6% for the Kindle Fire and 3.4% for Apple’s iPad Air. Samsung and the Google Nexus 7 are being squeezed online with lower rates of consideration (Samsung scores just 24% compared to 57% for Apple) and lower conversion rates - at least on websites monitored by Kantar Media.

"Analysis of online consideration and purchase flows between the three key brands of Apple, Kindle Fire and Samsung shows that Samsung is losing significant numbers of net potential sales to both Apple and Kindle Fire," Kantar noted.

"Samsung loses four times as many shoppers to the Kindle Fire as it gains and twice the number of sales to Apple. The Amazon tablet retains most potential purchasers losing only 16% to other brands while Apple leaks just 22% of its contenders."

Andoid Games

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