Terraria sequel will see a multiplatform release

Terraria sequel will see a multiplatform release

The sequel to Terraria will be going multiplatform right from the start. The game's creator Andrew Spinks has revealed to PocketGamer that Terraria 2 will be developed in a more portable language so that it can be released on multiplatform on launch, or close to launch."I am wanting to code Terraria 2 in a more portable language so it can be released on multiple platforms at launch or close to launch," Spinks said. "3DS is something I was very interested in getting Terraria on but the system unfortunately cannot run Terraria the way it needs to be ran."

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The sequel will be made with all platforms in mind

Sadly enough, Terraria 2 is still some time away. The game has been in the planning stages for some time, and the developer has been busy supporting Terraria with new content, such as the recent 1.2 update which added more content than the game had at launch."I'm super excited about starting Terraria 2," Spinks said when he revealed plans for the sequel. "It's a ways out, but it's gonna have a lot in common with the original. It's gonna be quite different as well. I really want to expand on the whole Terraria universe.""There's a lot of stuff I'm locked into with Terraria," he explained. "The way loot works, the way character progression works. In Terraria 2, I really want to have infinite worlds so you're not just stuck to one world. You can travel anywhere. I want more biome diversity in that, too. There's a lot of stuff [I want to add and change]."

ReadMore:Android Games

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