Scheduled tweets and a new channel: Twitter has big plans for advertisers

Scheduled tweets and a new channel: Twitter has big plans for advertisers

With its IPO looming ahead, Twitter seems to be going all out to please advertisers in the hope of stepping up its revenue. The micro-blogging website has announced that it will be letting marketers using its Ad Products schedule organic and promoted tweets, up to years in advance. The company is reportedly also planning targeted ad networks for apps and websites. In a blog post announcing the scheduled tweet feature, Twitter says that tweets can be coordinated with new or existing Promoted tweets campaigns. Scheduled tweets are bound to be a boon for marketers who will be able to line-up tweets much in advance without worrying about staying up for events.

Marketers who use the Ad product will be able to schedule tweets

Marketers who use the Ad product will be able to schedule tweets

Of course, this does not mean that Twitter is rolling out scheduled tweets for all. You might still want to rely on Hootsuite or TweetDeck to line-up tweets if you do not use Twitter’s ad-products – this is solely for advertisers and marketers who’re shelling out heavy money to have their tweets appear on the website. On the other hand, The Financial Times has reported that Twitter is looking to sell ads on other websites and applications. With the acquisition of MoPub done and settled, sources say that Twitter will be using the company’s know-how to create and advertising channel. It could help Twitter earn way more than the $254 million it has made this year. The programme would work in a way that will target visitors based on what they tweet and who they follow. Sounds like an interesting prospect but the micro-blogging website will be waiting anxiously for the MoPub deal to be sealed first. With the IPO coming up, this would be a great way to make a few bucks for Twitter.

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