Like a boss: Woman's awesome video resignation is a YouTube hit

Like a boss: Woman's awesome video resignation is a YouTube hit

When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. This isn’t just another phrase we’ve used in our high school essays, but one that holds true no matter how old you are. When pushed against a wall, one not only gets going in real life, but also goes off with quite a bang, it has been noted. Case in point: a new video has shows an employee of an animation firm quitting by performing an interpretative dance to Kanye West’s rap-track “Gone”. Well, she’s literally gone now. But the video has gone viral and is a YouTube hit , having already garnered over 4,000,000 views since September 28.Marina Shrifin was employed with Next Media Animation, creator of news-based capsules for two years. In the video, which she made at 4:30AM in the morning while still at work, Shrifin says that for two years she gave up everything for her job. But all her boss seemed to care about was quantity and the number of hits received by the videos they produced.

Shrifin decided that she’d had enough and created a video that for once seemed to focus on the content. "I believe it's more important to focus on the quality of the content. When you learn to improve this, the views will come,” she writes. Almost as a post script, Shrifin tells her boss that she quit.

The video is hilarious, if a little bizarre, and feel-good. It’s always funny to see someone try to move to rap music and the impromptu jig that Shrifin does makes you smile. The great bit about Shrifin’s move is that unlike most people frustrated with a job that’s been leeching them of time and personal life, the bespectacled woman does not yell, vent or rant. She chooses to put her dance moves to good use and lets the text on screen do its work.The video has already garnered over 4,000,000 views since it was uploaded on September 28 making this a pretty big hit on YouTube already. While we’re not going to give you ideas on how to put in your papers in a public fashion, you could pick up a few tips, tricks and maybe a few dance moves from Shrifin’s video.

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