Google's new Terms of Service is the Internet's latest punching bag

Google's new Terms of Service is the Internet's latest punching bag

Google has opened up a can of worms with the announcement of an update to its Terms of Service. Essentially an update to the privacy and security bit of the document, the most important change that will come about with this new ToS coming into action is that Google will be able to let your profile images and names appear in reviews and ads. Google will not be providing for any compensation to you when it uses your information for any commercial purposes. Of course, the Internet giant says that it can only happen when you +1 an item on Google+ or make another endorsing action, but Google users are already fuming. Take a look at what the online world is saying about these changes:Needless to say, annoyance and anger form the most important emotion towards the new change:

Followed by the wise-guys and the kings of one-liners – we have one from Google+ too!

The funnies!

The funnies!

There were some who genuinely tried to dive into the legal terms to figure out what these changes coming into play would mean to them.

The ToS changes are coming on November 11 for all. Of course, it’s a feature you can opt out of, but a change of this sort is something that elicits reaction from pretty much everyone. What do you think of these new changes to Google’s ToS? Let us know in the comments section below!

(Cover image credit: Reuters)

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