Danish Handmade Speakers For Your Home: Raidho Acoustics

Danish Handmade Speakers For Your Home: Raidho Acoustics

AudioVision India is one of the biggest and also one of the oldest names in the Indian audiophile sector. They have more than a dozen of extreme high quality and internationally revered brands in their arsenal and slowly and very thoughtfully they are adding even stronger ones to the list. Next on cards is Raidho Acoustics, an eminent speaker manufacturer from Denmark.

Raidho Acoustics, hailing from Denmark, (the ‘birth-place of sound’ as we like to call it) is known for their handmade speakers and homespun ceramix drivers and ribbon tweeters. Not just the drivers but all the units that go in a Raihdo loudspeaker are designed, manufactured and assembled by Raidho Acoustics themselves. Another feature that we are excited about Raihdo is their latest Cutting Edge Diamond Technology which claims to make ‘listening to music’ an entirely new ball game, moving the live sensation of being “there” to a completely new level.

Raidho- D3 speakers

Raidho- D3 speakers

AudioVision India will have the C – 3.1 and the D – 3 (first ever built loudspeaker with Raidho Cutting Edge Diamond Technology) loudspeakers on demo in their Mumbai demo facility very soon. The prices for all the products will be announced shortly and we will keep you updated about that.

ReadMore:Android Games

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