Android Jelly Bean rules the roost, accounts for 49 percent of 'active' users

Android Jelly Bean rules the roost, accounts for 49 percent of 'active' users

Google’s current Android OS out in the market, Jelly Bean, has now been picked up by almost half the total number of active Android devices worldwide, according to data released by the company. This is a step up from last month's data, which revealed that the OS accounted for 45 percent of all devices. A quick look at the search giant’s updated Android dashboard figures reveals that the total percentage of devices running on one of the three versions of Jelly Bean amounts to a massive 48.6 percent. This includes Android 4.1.x, Android 4.2.x and the latest Android 4.3 versions. The updated dashboard, though, states that only devices that come with the new Google Play Store app installed have been tracked, as opposed to the 900 million plus Android devices that have been activated to date. The app, according to the company, is only compatible with Android 2.2 and higher devices.

Google's updated Android dashboard reveals that Jelly Bean accounts for 49 percent of all active users

Google's updated Android dashboard reveals that Jelly Bean accounts for 49 percent of all active users

The second most popular Android build on the list is Gingerbread, which accounts for 28.5 percent of the devices. Next on the list is Ice Cream Sandwich, i.e. Android 4.0.3 and Android 4.0.4, accounting for 20.6 percent. Comparing the current data with the numbers collected in the month of September reveal that Jelly Bean has increased its user base by 3.5 percent. In comparison, Ice Cream Sandwich has lost 1.1 percent of its user base while Gingerbread is down 2.2 percent. The stats also reveal that 1.5 percent of Android users have picked up the latest Jelly Bean flavour, Android 4.3. It is noteworthy to point out that Google has rolled out more versions of Jelly Bean than any of its earlier versions. Another version of Android, the newly minted Android 4.4 KitKat, is slated to be rolled out soon, and it can be assumed that the dashboard figures next month will reflect a new OS that could put a dent in Jelly Bean's numbers.

ReadMore:Android Games

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