Online Javascripts / jQuery scripts minify

Hey friends, so you don't like loading speed of your blog or website? It could be the problem of your huge and big scripts. You can compress it for fast loading, yeah! I have added a tool which can compress your javascripts and minifies is which can increase your site loading time.This tool packs or minify Javascript codes. It decreases the code evaluate by removing the unnecessary data, for instance extra spaces, line breaks, remarks and space. It doesn't change or recode the codes - it infers that after the compressing, the script will run much the same as the way it for the most part runs. In short, it doesn't alters your codes whatsoever. It compress the file from 30%-90%. Typically it does packing by uprooting clear spaces, remarks and additional things that you don't require whatsoever. You can utilize it to layer your javascripts or utilize it within compacting jquery codes, I mean paste your jquery code or javascript here and just click "Optimize / Minify" catch and your code will clamp. Indeed, I have layered (minified :P) my arrangement utilizing this just. This instrument finalizes Blogger, wordpress, tumblr etc :P

What is minification
Minification (additionally called minimisation or minimization), in computer programing lagnuages and especially Javascript, is the strategy of clearing all unnecessary characters from source code without adjusting its purpose. These unnecessary characters for the most part join white space characters, new line characters, remarks, and sometimes square delimiters, which are used to add clarity to the code yet are not wanted for it to execute.

Why To Minify/Compress Javascripts

1) Faster opening of website
2) Much smaller code
3) Removes unnecessary codes from the javacsript
4) Reduce bandwidth usage of your website
5) Quicker download of scripts
6) Reduced number of HTTP requests on your server when consolidating numerous javascript files into one compressed file, consequently lessening the server load and permitting more visitors to access your website.   

Will it affect my website or SEO?
 Yeah! I mean after using this tool, your website will load faster hence it will get good ranking in the Google. No bad effects at all.

#You can resize it :)

Optimization Level:      

Normal: Removes comments & white spaces
 Moderate: Remove lines in script
High: Remove more lines and make the script inline if possible.



Old size: New size: Ratio:

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