Google has now joined the growing list of companies rolling out updates by the dozen for their mobile operating system. The search giant, since last week, has been pushing a bunch of updates for Android users. All this is presumably in preparation for the company’s next OS, Android 4.4 KitKat. Keeping that in mind, a bunch of the company’s core apps can now be seen with new features under the hood. The first on the list is popular video sharing platform YouTube. The tweaked version now pushes notifications of new videos that match the user’s interests directly to their device. It also makes advertisements more visible by adding them to the top of the “Watch Now” list when users open up the app. The next on the list is Gmail. The mailing service comes with a larger update that integrates Google’s widely accepted “card style” design to the Gmail app. This should definitely make it easier for users to go through complicated and long winding email threads and conversations, especially those which have a lot of participants. Hangouts, the company’s new and improved instant video and messaging app, will now let you easily know who is online from your friends list and who is not while using your Android device. The earlier installment of this app did not let you know if your potential message recipient was online or not. You can also know if someone is offline, courtesy a grayed out status icon. Google Voice also joins the list of updated apps. The tweaked version will reportedly warn users if they attempt to text 911 and also works out a few bugs.

Google has rolled out a bunch of Android app updates for the new KitKat OS
The company, by the looks of it, is all set for its new operating system, which is said to be in the final stages of being shipped out soon. KitKat is notably the first new codename the search giant has used since the Jelly Bean. The latter has been in the roll call for more than a year now, with users going from version 4.1 up to the current 4.3. Google has still not given a clear release date for the new OS, though. But the update will be coming out soon. And we know this because the search giant recently partnered with Nestle to market the update with a specially marked KitKat bar. The promotion, in India, requires users to buy specific KitKat packages printed with the Android mascot. Each pack contains a special eight digit code which you have to SMS on 9880298802. Users will have to text – SMS KITKAT <space> <8 digit code>. Winners will be able to get their hands on a Nexus 7 tablet.
There is still no word on which device manufacturers the latest Android OS will be available on. The company has said that version 4.4 can run on most devices that are available in the market, although there is no specifics given out about which smartphones will be capable of upgrading. Manufacturers may also let uses get the OS update installed on individual phones and tablets. The wait for KitKat is now on, and Google, from what we can see, is not planning to disappoint its users.
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