Ford's Alan Mulally in lead to be Microsoft’s next CEO?

Ford's Alan Mulally in lead to be Microsoft’s next CEO?

While Steve Ballmer took his farewell bow before thousands of applauding employees with a typically loud and emotional performance at his last companywide meeting, rumours about who would be the next CEO have started emerging. According to a report by AllThingD, some anonymous sources close to the situation have revealed that Ford CEO Alan Mulally is in the forefront to be a potential successor.

Next Microsoft CEO?

Next Microsoft CEO? (Image credit: AllThingsD)

Reportedly, Mulally has been a close advisor to Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer in restructuring the company and creating the new management. It is also believed that Mulally who was a former CEO of Boeing Commercial Airplanes in Seattle is eager to return there. He has been the CEO of Ford for the past seven years. It is also being said that 68-year-old Mulally was reticent regarding the new position earlier but has become amenable to the idea recently. Sources have also disclosed that through Elop remains a top candidate, in the recent weeks there has been a shift towards Mulally. Besides Elop and Mulally, Microsoft’s Tony Bates, who had previously been CEO of Skype and Pivotal CEO Paul Maritz (ex-Microsoft employee) are also being considered for the position. On contacting Mulally, he replied in an email to AllThingsD stating, “I continue to be focused on serving Ford … and I have my red Ford vest on right now!!”

ReadMore:Android Games

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